go away!!
Lots of rain today. Only about 6 campers in the park but we are supposed to be full this weekend. Talladega race is Sunday and we're just about an hour away so this makes a pretty good spot for race fans to camp.
We had fun over the weekend with three of the grandkids who live nearby. It was cold but they didn't care....fall festival was going on at the park and they had a blast.
I was going to stay inside all day and be lazy but we decided to go to Captain D's for dinner (free, of course) and I quickly came up with a few deals to hit the stores near the restaurant. I found a brand new Food Lion and CVS out of town on the "bypass." I've never shopped in Food Lion so it will be another store to find deals. They have a lot of online coupons that I will get a look at when time allows. Anyway, tonight I got:
At Food Lion - 2 boxes cereal - banana nut cheeris (free) and Cokes were 4 for $10 to that was pretty cheap and I grabbed them. Total cost was $10.34 for Cokes and tax.
At CVS - 8 cans of Campbell's soup (free). Total cost was $.12 tax on gift card.
At Target - 4 boxes of cereal - fruit loops and apple jacks (free), 6 packs Keebler Deluxe Chip Cookies (free), and 5 Johnson Buddy bath soaps (free). Total cost was $.38 plus $.42 tax = $.80 total. Target is such fun to shop at IF the cashier's are not jerks! So far, so good. They price matched the CVS sale on the cereal and I had Target coupons and manufacturer's coupons to make the cereal and cookies free.

At Kroger - just ran in to get free bread but they were all gone. Price and coupons are good for a while so I'll be back.
And Captain D's was free because we joined the D Club and got free Fish & Fries dinners. Yummie.