Our time here at Tanner State Park is winding down. We really have enjoyed being here for 6 months (Wow!) but I'm ready to get on with it...and so is Sam.
We haven't heard anything definite from Chicamauga up in north Georgia so we are probably heading to Florida one day this week. The weather here is beautiful - 70's up to 80 - and a great time to hit the road. I wasn't looking forward to Ft. Oglethorpe, anyway. We drove up there one day last week and it looked pretty bleak. The campground with the monthly rental sites was not appealing. I'd rather be in Florida without 2 dimes to rub together than to be up there for the next 6 months with $$.
Here's a shot of the boys at the beach at the park.

And fishing....

Kyle caught a good one!

They love coming to the camper and spending time with us, even though they are super busy with Little League T-Ball. Kyle plays on one team and Logan & Tyler are on another one. Between the two teams, they practice or have a game 4 nights a week and twice on Saturday! Here's Tyler (3 yr.) riding his bike. The campground is flat at the back where we are located and they can ride and ride.