This blog is a way for our family and friends to follow our new lifestyle ~ fulltime RV'ing.
It's choice ~ not chance ~ that determines your destiny.
Jean Nidetch
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
~ Low Internet Service ~
We stopped over in Vernon, FL, at our cousin's place to wait out the storms and rain. Today there is finally some sunshine. The internet service with my Sprint data card is slow (roaming) in this area so I haven't been able to do much. We've been busy packing up our belongings in the MH and will unload it all at my daughter's house in Georgia before delivering it to the new owners. Then we have the fun (?) of looking for a new RV - this time a travel trailer.
We're planning to leave for home tomorrow! Yippee! Four months is a long time to be away from family. Our next "gig" isn't until November at John Tanner SP near Carrollton, GA. In the meantime we will be visiting with family while looking for a new home on wheels.
So long old girl. We had a fun ride for a year!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
~ Just like a woman...... ~

Gregory House is a plantation home built in 1849. It's located in Torreya State Park on the banks of the Apalachicola River.
Front of GregoryHouse, facing the river.
Looking down at the river from the front yard.

Sam and Marilyn walking her dogs.
Monday, August 18, 2008
~ Fay turning away ~
Saturday, August 16, 2008
~ More rain........and here comes Fay ~
If it comes too close, there will be a mandatory evacuation of the park. We would just head inland to our cousin's to wait it out. If it's really close, we might have to move the motor home. Ironically, our cousin has reservations to come here camping next week arriving Tuesday. Not sure how that will play out. Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
~ Rainy Days and Mondays..... ~
Sunday, August 10, 2008
~ Double Red Flags ~
The dunes were beautiful, as usual.
Monday, August 4, 2008
~ A look back….. ~
Our first volunteer position was October, 2007, through January of 2008, at St Joseph Peninsula State Park, Cape San Blas, Florida. The park is directly on the Gulf of Mexico with St. Joseph Bay on the back side. It’s a beautiful park with 119 sites, all with water and electric. We love St. Joe and have plans to return next year.

As volunteers, we worked 20 hours a week, or 5 mornings for 4 hours each. Duties included clearing underbrush near sites to get ready for the burn, walking through the campground to pick up trash, occasionally cleaning restrooms, and a few scattered days filling in at the museum in Port St. Joe. This park had the most structured work schedule of the 3 parks we’ve volunteered for, so far. The months we were there were very slow. Some weeks there were less than 10 sites occupied. Of course, the park was full around Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas and New Year's.

Us working.
Fires burning.
After the burn.
The rangers were friendly and very laid back. Park Manager, Brian Addison, was friendly and accessible. One month he and his wife hosted a Pasta Dinner at their home in the park. At Thanksgiving they supplied the turkey, and the volunteers (there were 6 couples and 1 single) brought the side dishes for a fun gathering. Ranger LeeAnn Hinson was volunteer coordinator and worked with all of us for special needs. We were able to go home for Christmas and be with family over the holidays. Our oldest grandson, Kyle, returned with us and his whole family followed for a short beach vacation.
Kyle, Logan, & Tyler
Tyler's first beach!
Kyle & Dad Nate caught fish!
Had to do Some'mors!
The only down side to this park is it's isolation.....which could be it's saving grace. If it were more accessible and better known, I'm afraid it would be overrun by locals and tourists alike, similar to St. Andrews where we are now. We love St. Andrews also, but the two are as different as day and night. St Joe State Park is 20 miles from Port St. Joe, the nearest town with groceries (Piggly Wiggly), and a whopping 55 miles to Winn Dixie & Wal-Mart. Being from Atlanta, I am used to having 5 Wal-Marts in a 12-mile radius and Kroger, Publix, & CVS on every corner! But there is a great Mexican restaurant in Port St Joe - Pepper's - the best one we've found in Florida. (Happy Hour on Wednesday's, 6 to 9 pm!). Makes the 20 mile drive worth it!

We also took a trip over to Appalachacola to see what the fuss was about regarding the lack of fresh water for the scallops and mussels over there. They are wanting more water to be released in Georgia to allow more fresh water in the mouth of the Appalachacola Bay. All I can say is looks like there is plenty of water coming into the bay from the river down there and our lake back home, Lake Lanier, is still 16 feet below full pool. 'Nuff said. We did find a great little diner with great food - The Hut. And it is only 30 miles from St. Joe. We visited The Hut three times.
Beach houses along Hwy. 30E. Fishing boats on the river in Appalachacola.
This turned out to be a long blog, but there was a lot of catching up to do. I want to remember how beautiful this park is. We look forward to returning next year and to enjoying a little solitude for just a month or two.
(Click on any pic for bigger view)
Friday, August 1, 2008
~ Me, Me, Me ~
I am: on the computer too much.
I think: I need to go outside more.
I know: that work is at 2:45 today.
I have: dinner in the crock pot.
I wish: we had much more $$.
I hate: that I can't lose any weight.
I miss: my kids and grandkids.
I fear: heights.
I hear: kids playing outside.
I smell: the crockpot.
I crave: steak from Longhorn's.
I search: for travel blogs.
I wonder: where we might be this time next year.
I regret: that we didn't buy a trailer instead of a motorhome, because of gas prices now.
I love: spending winters at the beach.
I ache: to hug my grandkids.
I am not: riding my bike enough.
I believe: in God.
I dance: but my husband won't.
I sing: with the radio.
I cry: when the grandkids leave.
I fight: the urge to eat the wrong things, but not very well.
I win: at computer solitaire.
I lose: my patience too easily.
I never: have enough $$.
I always: watch Survivor on TV.
I confuse: Yellowstone and Yosemite.
I listen: to Country music.
I can usually be found: playing games or reading blogs on the computer.
I am scared: of most bugs.
I need: to lose weight.
I am happy about: being retired.
I imagine: that we will travel out west in a couple of years.
That was fun! Ok - I tagged Froggi Donna and The Meandering Ziaja's and Alona and Jim.