Panoramic picture of view from the "dinning room" window.
Our site is on the end of a row looking across at the by-the-night area. Most of these guys are traveling and arrive in the afternoon, set up, walk the dogs, go eat somewhere, then leave the next morning. A few will stay a couple of nights. Some have children, mostly grand kids from the looks of them, and they might stay 2 or 3 days to enjoy the pool and go to Ruby Falls.

Occasionally there will be a club meeting. This weekend was a group from "Good Sam" camping club. They meet and eat potluck dinners in the conference room.
Got a new book from Amazon this week. _Best Backroads of Florida_, The Heartland Volume 1, by Douglas Waitley. It's copyright year 2000 but has good interesting history. Hopefully most of the roads will still be passable when we visit this fall/winter.
Our site is on the end of a row looking across at the by-the-night area. Most of these guys are traveling and arrive in the afternoon, set up, walk the dogs, go eat somewhere, then leave the next morning. A few will stay a couple of nights. Some have children, mostly grand kids from the looks of them, and they might stay 2 or 3 days to enjoy the pool and go to Ruby Falls.

Occasionally there will be a club meeting. This weekend was a group from "Good Sam" camping club. They meet and eat potluck dinners in the conference room.
Got a new book from Amazon this week. _Best Backroads of Florida_, The Heartland Volume 1, by Douglas Waitley. It's copyright year 2000 but has good interesting history. Hopefully most of the roads will still be passable when we visit this fall/winter.