American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.
Louis Grizzard, a great American
It's choice ~ not chance ~ that determines your destiny.
Jean Nidetch

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Last week, Karen, over at FabGrandma, blogged about her personal pantry challenge. That sounded like a good idea so I decided to do the same.....try to use up a lot of the food/staples that are currently taking up a lot of room in my pantry and cupboards.

Upright pantry pulls out....more is stored underneath the pull out.

Pantry below the pull out has two shelves

Cupboards in the slide, over the sofa and dining area.

Cupboards at the end, over the picture window and 2 chairs.

Now the challenge is to use up some of this stuff. Tonight using 2 cans of green beans, some chicken breasts from the freezer and some leftovers from Saturday night. (The Freezer and Fridge are pretty full, too!) LOL!


Donna McNicol said...

Way to go, Susan!! We cleaned out our pantry last year in Yuma, donating all our processed food (canned and boxed) to the local food pantry (via the Gypsy Journal Rally).

Other than canned tomato products, black olives, mushrooms, tuna, canned chicken (expedient...LOL!) and kidney beans (chili), we no longer use canned foods. No veggies, no soups...nothing.

Same with packaged rice mixes, etc. Gone... We try to use fresh or frozen only. We have moved from beef to turkey and added in fish from time to time.

All breads, pasta and cereal is strictly whole wheat. We recently found whole wheat pita bread, only 80 calories a piece. Love it for tuna salad.

When you start cleaning out, you'll find a lot of outdated spices, too. We did...LOL!

Susan and Sam said...

Thanks, Donna, for the great tips. Being newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I need to get rid of everything "white". I'm making a note of your tips!