Here's a few pics of the campground. It's almost full.....just a few spots left. A lot of snow birds coming South for the winter.......except every night this week will be in the mid-30's. No snow though, so I guess that is why they come. Some have boats and they go fishing every day at the lake across the street.
No dieting here! Saturday morning was Pancake Breakfast with biscuits and sausage gravy. (That's regular every other Saturday). Tonight was "Campfire" with hot dogs, hamburgers, marshmallows, biscuits on a stick with jam. (That's regular every Monday night). Every other Thursday is a Pot Luck dinner where everybody brings a dish. Tuesday morning is Ladies' Coffee (with sweet rolls of course). And I'm sure there is more we haven't heard about yet!
Of course to offset all of that is weekly Line Dancing, Exercise classes, and water aerobics when the pool opens in March (brrrrr?). Also for your enjoyment is Bingo, Pokeno, Crafts, and plenty of walking and biking,!
I have felt a little under the weather for a day or two so we haven't been anywhere since Saturday when we went to Wal-Mart. Maybe tomorrow we'll ride over to the lake and take some pictures. It's very scenic.
That's us on the left, above

Some of the 120-plus sitesSUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 2009
Project 365, Day 64
Saturday was Sam's 66th birthday so last night we went to a local Steak House for dinner. Not very good. We won't go back. Prices were higher than Longhorns' for steak ($20.99 +) so we had chopped sirloin and hamburger steak. I could have made better at home! There was brown gravy poured all over the hamburger steak for some reason. The waiter never once came around to check on us and we even had to go the counter to pay without our ticket because he never brought it. Funny thing is, the place was packed?? I thought Texas was supposed to have good steak/beef. Maybe we're too close to Mexico. There are probably 40 Mexican restaurants in town! No Longhorn's though. We may stick to Applebee's or Chili' least we'll know what we are getting.
(Posting pic of Wright's Steak House tomorrow.)