American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.
Louis Grizzard, a great American
It's choice ~ not chance ~ that determines your destiny.
Jean Nidetch

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am so far behind blogging…..oh well. It was beautiful today but very windy. We had cheese grits for breakfast with toast & Smucker’s strawberry preserves….yummy! : )

Sam worked with the maintenance guy and I went to Publix for a few deals.

I’ve been trying to organize my recipes in a notebook….just about done. Now to work on my coupons and get them better organized.

We’re having chicken quesadillas for supper with Mexican veggies and salsa.

There is one camper tonight.

Tuesday, Jan. 19th

We took Kyle home yesterday after having him here since Saturday. I sure do miss him when he’s gone, but he had school today. The weather was not good over the weekend….too much rain. We stayed inside most of the time, playing cards and games, watching movies and cooking. On the DVR, we watched the original Star Wars and Kyle really liked it. The next night he wanted to watch the 2nd one, The Empire Strikes Back. Guess we’ll watch number 3 the next time he’s here.

Sunday night we had Creamy Chicken Enchiladas and Mexican Veggies, two new recipes out of Taste of Home’s Cooking for Two. (There was plenty for three). : ) They were good and I will definitely have them again.

Yesterday and today are great at 62 degrees and sunshine. We had cereal and muffins for breakfast and “deviled” ham sandwiches & chips for lunch. We have a movie, World’s Greatest Dad, to watch before we take it back tonight before 9:00. It was a freebie from Redbox, the movie kiosk at Walgreens. We also need to make a trip to the library before they close at 8:00.

Sam’s working today with the maintenance man and I have been doing little jobs around the camper. I arranged the DVD player and the DVT box so the DVR unit would fit under the TV in the opening for such items. The DVT box sits on top of the DVD player so that the DVR player will sit beside them.

No campers tonight.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Friday, Jan. 15th

Finally….it’s 62 degrees!! Yea! And we’re cooking out on the grill. Logan is here and enjoyed the warm weather to play outside. We picked him up Wednesday and will take him home tomorrow (and get Kyle). He and Sam made several hikes to the frozen water fall that comes off the 2 lakes. The lakes are still mostly frozen. There is a little area that is beginning to melt…not too soon for the ducks and geese! : )
I got my old VCR and tapes from Samantha’s house and hooked it up to the big TV to watch some old movies. We already have a DVD hooked up but I have a bunch of movies that I haven’t replaced and wanted to watch. I actually wanted to be able to record stuff to watch later since we don’t have the DVR, just the regular DVD player. The old VCR still works like a charm. We watched Captain Ron Wednesday night. Still a favorite!
Logan wakes us up pretty early, around 7:30, to watch cartoons. We’ve just been having cereal for breakfast because it is so easy. Wednesday night we went to Captain D’s for Sam’s free birthday (1/10) dinner and I had a coupon for mine. Logan just shared with us so we didn’t buy him anything.
Thursday night we went to Burger King for Logan’s free birthday (1/25) kid’s meal and Sam and I had the free whoppers from their survey (on receipt). We went in Publix and Kroger for a few deals and I had a couple of prescriptions to pick up…one on Wednesday and one on Thursday. That gave me $20 credit on my Kroger card. No more $25 GC’s per Rx…now I just have some $10 GC’s per Rx. That’s better than nothing. : )
Tonight Sam and Logan are cooking BBQ chicken on the grill to go with potatoes and salad. Later, we’ll watch The Long, Long Trailer on the VCR and maybe Cool Runnings, about the Jamaica bobsled team, with John Candy. : )

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friday, Jan. 8, 2010...............Snow at John Tanner State Park. It is still very cold and isn't suppose to warm up until Wednesday and beyond.

Buddy's favorite spot during our mealtimes. He wants to keep tabs on what we are consuming!

After lunch, watching a little TV.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thurs., Jan. 7th

Stayed under the electric blanket til almost 9:00 this morning. Cloudy and overcast again. Cereal for breakfast. I had a list of to-do’s: file coupons, look for recipes, make chicken salad, clean out cabinets and magazines.

I made the chicken salad, cleaned out the cabinets, threw out some magazines, and watched All My Children. I can’t believe Ryan is gonna be with Erica. She must be 30 years older than him………..gross!

The snow started about 2:00 and ended about 3:00. It was pretty while it lasted. Then…it started sometime after dark and came down for about an hour. Everything is totally covered. Probably just ½ inch. We’ll check it out for sure in the morning. The grandkids will love playing in it. Buddy’s never seen snow….he probably won’t even go out in the morning.

I was pretty lazy so we had chicken salad for dinner. I’ll cook tomorrow.

Sam didn’t feel too good (allergies?) so he went to bed early. I’m watching Alabama beat Texas. Too bad Texas’ star quarterback got injured early on. It would have been a better/fairer game for the National Championship if he were playing. I only want Alabama to win ‘cause they represent the SEC. And I do love the state of Alabama. It’s a beautiful place with mountains and lakes in the north and gulf beaches and Mobile in the south.

There were 2 campers tonight, both from New York.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Catching up...........

Monday, the 4th, was so cold and overcast, we just sat around watching TV and reading. I don’t think it ever got above freezing. Sam worked with the maintenance man in between keeping warm in the ‘shop’.

Tuesday, the 5th, was better because the sun was shining. It’s very nice shining in the picture window at the back of the camper. We just had honey nut cheerios for breakfast and PB & J sandwiches with chips for lunch.

After lunch, and All My Children, I decided to get out and do some goofing around. I went to Target to see if they had any leftover Christmas markdowns. Not much there. I went to the library and got a book to read, then stopped by the movie kiosk at Walgreens, Redbox, to pick up a movie to watch later that night since there is NOTHING on TV - not even on 200-plus channels. By now it is after 5:00 and I didn’t want to go back and cook anything so I picked up Burger King (free whoppers) and headed back to the camper.

We ate dinner, made some cookies, and watched the movie, “Julie and Julia.” It was pretty good and well worth the $1 rental fee.

Wednesday, today, we woke up to find the propane had run out. With the electric heater, the furnace only kicks on a few times in the night so it wasn’t that cold without it. I stayed under the electric blanket while Sam walked Buddy and then went and had one of the propane tanks filled. It was about 9:00 when he returned. He also returned the movie to the kiosk while he was out.
The eye doctor’s office called about 10:00 to let us know that our glasses were ready and since they close at noon on Wednesdays, I had to hustle to get ready. We left about 11:00 and had plenty of time. (I don’t like to rush in the mornings!) : )

Nice Publix Deal………..
After getting our new glasses, we went to Publix to get the flyer for the new sale (their sale starts on Wednesdays here in Carroll County). Nothing very exciting in their sale. The penny item this week is a bag of Publix Tortilla Chips (reg. $2.59) but now you have to buy the Wednesday paper to get the coupon for the penny item. I’ll need to work it out so that it is worth the cost of the paper ($.70) to get the coupon.

I managed to get two pounds of ground beef, a bunch of celery (for chicken salad and to eat with cream cheese), OnCor frozen entrée (Salisbury steaks and gravy), a jar of mustard (for Sam‘s ham sandwiches), the newspaper (for the coupon), the $.01 tortilla chips, 4 packs of Yakisoba chicken noodle soup, and 6 bottles of Sundown Vitamins (Vitamin D). Total was $36.93 and after senior discount and coupons, I paid $.58! ; )

Since we were out around lunch time, we had fish and fries at Captain D’s for lunch (free with coupons). : )

When we returned to the camper, Sam went outside to dump the black tank only to find that the poop was frozen in there. LOL! No dumping til the spring thaw! Hopefully, that won’t be long. The tank’s not full so we will use the bathroom sparingly and go to the bathhouse when possible. The grey tank is fine….not frozen. (the shower water, sink water, etc.)

Guess we’ll watch the comedy shows on CBS and have soup for dinner.

And we had 3 campers Tuesday night and 2 tonight.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sun. Jan. 3

What a fast weekend. It is so cold….I don’t remember the temps being this low for so long and the forecast is no better through Friday (and beyond?). It’s 9:00 in the morning and the temp is 18. The five day forecast has lows from 15 (tomorrow), up to 23 then back down to 13 on Friday morning. And the highs barely go above freezing all week. Last year we were in Texas and the winter was very mild….only got down to freezing on two occasions and the highs were 50-60. In 2008, we were in Georgia for February and March but it never got this cold.

Next winter, if everything goes according to plan, we will be at Gulf State Park in LA (that’s Lower Alabama), located between Orange Beach and Gulf Shores. Looking at the weather for this week, it is over 20 degrees warmer there right now. We will be there Dec. 1st through March 31st - four months. It’s only 6 hours away so we be able to come ‘home’ for the holidays, etc., for a week or so at the time.

On Saturday, we went to Arbys/Burger King for lunch with Kyle. Then we goofed around at Publix, Kroger and Dollar Tree. Kyle brought his scooter but it was to cold for him to ride it very much. He did discover the creek at the back of our campsite and managed to get a few “river rocks” to play with. Homemade chili for dinner then we watched “RV” with Robin Williams. We have seen it several time but it is still funny!

Sunday we had Blueberry Muffins for breakfast then took Kyle home and stayed at his house for dinner. Samantha made a Mexican Lasagna that was very good. I need to get the recipe. Falcons won their last game and ended up 9-7 on the season. Looking forward to better record next year!

We got back to the camper in time for Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters.

Two campers Saturday and Sunday night.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday 1/1/2010 Happy New Year!

The boys were up bright and early this morning....about 7:30. Breakfast was cereal and blueberry muffins and chocolate milk.

We managed to entertain them inside until about 10:00 then they just had to go outside and swing and ride Kyle's scooter.

Samantha and Nathan came over about 11:00 and stayed for a couple hours. They left about 1:30 and took two boys with them. Kyle stayed and we will take him home on Sunday. He goes back to school on Wednesday, Jan. 6. Missed All My Children, if it was even on.
Today we had to move from the "Host" site as we were only scheduled as hosts for November and December. New hosts for January through March moved onto the host site and we moved down to another site in the park. We're now in site 30, a pull through that is very large and has everything except a black water (sewer) drain. There is a gray water drain so that is good. Sam will have to take the black water to the 'dump' in the blue tote tank...about once a week. Sam will assist the maintenance guys, completing various projects around the park.
This site is at the bottom of the hill at the back of the campground. We can see the entire campground, uphill, out our big windows. There is a creek (which Kyle loves) just behind us at the edge of the woods. I think I like this site best of all! : )

Thurs. 12/31 - New Year’s Eve

Here's the new heater
We will need it because the next 5 nights are lows in tbe teens/twenties! Yikes! : o

I was up at 7:00 to turn on the coffee and watch the news. Sam slept until 9:00! It was so foggy and dark he thought it was still night! Late breakfast of cereal then I sorted some coupons that expire today and went to Kroger and Publix to get any final deals. I didn’t leave until after 1:00 but All My Children was a rerun?? That was weird.

Sam had leftover chicken and rice for lunch but I had a dollar burger on the way to Publix.

At Publix, I got four bags of Chex Mix and their last bag of Cherry Cordial Kisses and when I checked out they paid ME .08 cents! I LOVE Publix, where shopping is always a pleasure. ; )

Found some free Glade candles at Kroger and a few other deals. Total was $30.94 and paid $8.50 after coupons and after checking the tape, they over charged me by 52 cents on one item! : (

When I returned to the camper, Sam took the laundry over to the motel (here in the park, where we are able to do laundry for free) and washed up a few things. : ) I stayed at the camper and watched 2 episodes of Reba! It got pretty windy and was still very foggy when I took Buddy for a walk.

About 7:00, Samantha and Nathan brought their 3 boys over to spend the night while they went to a party at someone’s house. We made pepperoni pizza and played games. They were very good and actually went to sleep before the Peach dropped. So did I! : )

2 Campers tonight!